
Computers originally was a wreck who can not iron anything, being human is a living thing that can think, communicate each other and able to give a meaning. Computer programming language is a way to make computers become capable of making intelligent machines communicate with humans. These reasonsmake the existence of a programming language becomes very essential. 

From the picture above can be concluded that the programming language is the interface between humans and computers.Implementation of a software programming language has levels with their respective functions. Level-level programming languages can be grouped as follows:

1. Microprogramming

2. Machine Language

3. Language Fabricators (Assembly) / Low Level

4. High Level Programming Languages

5. Visual Programming Language

Microprogramming commonly known as a chip or programming can be said is a growing talent early on a computer, logic gates, the interpretation of numbers, defined here. This stage is the most fundamental intrprestasi conducted a dilapidated iron against the human desire through a software, to more easily we will call this stage as''How a Computer Thingking''. The second is the language of the machine or can be referred to as definitor language. In this machine language functions are defined, implemented in binary code. Assembly language has functions that are also owned by the machine language, but the level of this programming language used for the definition of the function next-level programming language. The second and third level of machine language and assembly language can be regarded as transformers languaage computer talents and human talents. High level programming language (C, C, Pascal, etc.), and visual programming language is a tool for realizing the human desire to computers, programming languages tend to object oriented and user friendly.

• How computers learn?

Berotakkan computer processor, the processor can not directly execute a program written in the source program, the processor requires what is called a translator to finish it, so the translator function is to translate the human desire to be understood by computers. Translator can be divided into two groups. When a source program is a symbolic representation of numerical codes to machine language, translator called an assembler or assembler and the source program we call the assembly. When the translator converts source programs written in high level programming language like C, Pascal, or anything else to numeric codes, translator called a compiler. So do not be confused about the assembly, assembler, and compiler!

• What's Assembly do?

Assembly language linking human desire with the computer. For example if you type any sentence such as''study''lets, this sentence is only recognizable by humans but not by the computer (this sentence is called the source program.) The sentence was given by the compiler to convert it into numeric codes that are recognized by the computer (numerical code of the sentence is called the object program). The things mentioned above done by assembly language.Similarly, other programming languages such as Pascal, and C / C assembly contains a set of words that are commands to the computer to do something. Assembly language is a low-level programming language, instruksiinstruksiwe give in assembly language will access the computer components directly, therefore, the assembly configuration in which different types of machines have. Every single statement we write in assembly language source program produces one machine instruction, in other words there is one-one correspondence between machine instructions with the statement - the statement contained in the assembly program.

• What is the Assembly for ..?

Assembly programming has advantages that can not be followed by other high level programming language in terms of speed, and a very small file size. We can access all the features and instructions that terdapatdalam target machine via assembly language, this can not be done by high level programming language. For example, assembly language can directly test the machine occurred when the target overflow bit, programming languages such as Pascal and C can not do it directly. All that can be done in machine language can be done also in assembly language. Assembly is a low-level programming language that is programming tingkatkernel and modules. Some special programs such as the OS loader (LILO) is made with the assembly, because the excess-kelebihanyang has, more than 20 years of assembly language used by hackers to manufacture various kinds of computer viruses, making the program of protection for is not easy to hack, was also needed assembly. Advantages inherent in assembly programming compared with high-level programming language that does not mean we can leave these high-level programming language. Untukmaksudkhusus dipergunaka assembly language which can not be done by high level programming language, too vain or wasting''time''memanfaatkan assembly language to create programs that can be done with a high level programming language.Configurable high-level programming language for things that are user friendly, meaning the things that meant it would be easier to do with the programming language tinggkat higher than the assembly. For example if we want to create a program if numbers are displayed on screen, it would be easier if we use language C or Pascal, or the other. And remember''As Long As We can do with the high level assembly language''We need steel, especially when accessing the hardware, so it would be better understood before this assembly we learn high level programming language.By controlling the assembly language programming easier for us to do the manipulation on the computer, we can make the computer like what we want, we also will be able to understand more deeply the operating system.


  • Science and Religion

Various systematic effort over an attempt to answercuriosity and question things that are natural physicalscientific, both real and tangible and abstract scientific andnot visible, the result is an understanding of natural science and the scientific.Meanwhile, human life is not limited to physical things, natural andonly scientific but also include things that metaphysical and supernatural.
In the event wanted to satisfy the curiosity of things that are unseen andThis metaphysical the most responsible approach isapproach to religion and the divine, not just a dream or meditation,because the approach to religion teacher reference guide (the Prophet of Allah), books (the BookSaints) and experience (Sariah) a valid and traceabletruth.
Indeed science and religion comes from God, thusThe second thing that will complement and enhance each other, willprovide a complete understanding of the referral, comprehensive and integrated,will not contradict each other.
Humans have the instinct to know that is manifested inthe search for knowledge. Science is differenthuman knowledge is organized in a systematic way. Broadly speakingknowledge is divided into two parts, namely:

• It is not science

• Science (science)

Science is built on the basis of empirical evidence resultsscientific research in which covered a number of scientific theories.
Scientific theories are theories in various branches of sciencewhich serves to describe, predict and control(Control).
Scientific theories are reliable, although the degree of reliabilitydepend on the generality and breadth of its application, whichthe more general application to the more reliable theory.
Examples of Copernican theory, the theory was revised by Kappler: sunis the center of circulation planets circulating around the sunwith elliptical orbits (ellipse). Then the theoryrevised again by Newton's theory: the planets with the solar system asits center with various mathematical formulas. Theory of relativityEinstein considered more reliable than Newton's theory, becauserelativity theory able to explain the motions of objectsspeed exceeds the speed of light and able to explainthe motions of molecules and atoms.

  • SQ3R Method:
In reading the textbook (text book) SQ3R method can be used,namely:

• Survey

A glimpse of a book with illustrations, reading the preface,and so on, giving rise to curiosity and ask questions.

• Question

Wondering about the materials that will be discussed, in the textbookoften prepared list of questions to help readersguide his curiosity.

• Read

Reading quickly and comprehensively to capture the main pointsmind, do not repeat words or sentences read.

• Review

Review the main points of the important thoughts, messages are important,as well as key words.

• Recall

Repeating the review, discuss and master the problem

 • Practical

The desire to know someone too often can be answered withdirect reading of natural reality. In this case we mustcapable of dialogue naturally and humanely.
In a human dialogue where the speaker we are human toothen the other person has the ability to expresshis own thoughts in a language that has been equally unknown.While the dialogue with nature we must first performcompilation logic of nature into our human minds.
Lesson Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and other natural sciencesis basically the process of compiling natural mind into the mindpeople who will be revealed again when we dialogue with nature.
Dialogue with nature is not easy, perhaps the most difficult. ThereforeIt is necessary to develop a systematic way, namely bynatural phenomena that bring into the laboratory to be analyzed.Practicum is basically the practice to have that ability,ability to dialogue with nature.

3. Methods Find Answers

Systematic effort after formulating my curiosity into shapequestion is to find the answers. There are several methodsseeking answers to answer questions that arise from wantknow, namely:

• Studied

Communication with teachers is very humane because it heldwith reason, sense, language, and the motion which has been equally understood.Institutional studied evolved into an education systemthat formal ideologies embraced as if more and moreteachers are getting better.

• Reading books

Menbaca book is the most objective way to find outvariety of scientific information which is a compilation of experiencesystematic human tertulisa. Reading books canperformed by anyone, anywhere, anytime. Withread the book information transfer can occur directly from the hands ofthe writer with all his readers.

Reading - writing is the basic culture of mankind to improvecivilization. Therefore, the level of reading ability andwriting is a basic human ability that will notreplaceable. Person's ability to read and write mustmaintained at all times. There are a few things to notein reading, namely:

- The ability to speak

The ability to speak not just a mastery of vocabularyor grammar, but also includes the ability to express andappreciation. Besides the languages of various nations who advanced levelscientific, in some cases mathematics (science) alsois part of the language of science, particularly toreveal precise degree of certainty.
High language skills opened up opportunities forreveal the express or implied understanding at the levelhigh precision.

- Speed reading

The ability to read quickly this needs to be trained,maintained and enhanced. The letter is the symbol of sounds, wordsis the symbol of the meaning, the sentence is a symbol of the message, and Aleniais the principal symbol of the mind.
Therefore need to be trained to read Alenia Facebook to catchprincipal thoughts quickly and precisely, the sameit can be captured with the main messages from key sentences, andbasic understanding of keywords.

- Ability to select and read the textbook (text book)

Minimum capability that must be mastered by a student.Library with all procedures must be part wayof student life.

Students should be able to use a catalog or a softwareavailable to search books and choose which books shouldread. The definition of each type of books should be understood thatproper and correct use. Students should be able totell which book encyclopedia, book indexes, dictionaries, journals,notes, text book.

 Chapter 1.

Conception Learning Throughout Life 1

1. Physical life and mindLife is built by the life of humanity:

• Physical LifeStarting from birth through the mother, then grow equippedwith thoughts of life that more and more perfect anddetermine the existence kemanusiaanya.

• Life reflectionsLife is not only a human mind to the work of thebody of the brain, nerves and senses both analysis and synthesis,but also the facilities and infrastructure to understand the sourcefrom all sources of his creativity.Life of the human mind to consciously developed throughschool education and teaching in both formal and informalranging from elementary schools to universities.
Physical life of human beings need to eat, drink and moveso it will die if it is not met. Also Demukianlife of the human mind will die if they do not learn or think. Nohumans are rarely physically alive but his mind had stopped,so we must remain introspective whether the learning process is stilltake place in us or not.

2. Learning ProcessThe learning process is shown in the presence of curiositypresented in the form of questions or ask questions. So that it cansaid they could not ask or do not want to know mean nolearning process. The more mature a person should have the more sophisticatedlearning processes that take place within him, the more sophisticated meanshow she asked.
So that such premises without accompanied curiosity, activities such aslectures, reading or lab work is not a learning processimprove the lives of one's mind, but the mere activityrecord and a mere physical exercise.

Sebuah cerita clasic yang mungkin di rasakan setiap orang ber cita cita namun terhambat adanya biaya, tapi itu bukan lah upaya untuk membunuh kenginan itu sendiri, tapi semangat dan keinginan itu tak mungkin  mundurkan langkah menggapai  cita - cita.. banyak orang mengkomentari aksi nekat itu,ada yang bilang ngapain kuliah bikin susah aja....atau opo tekan gone kowe ki kuliah.arep go tuku mangan wae susah kok malah kuliah......

Untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang lebih bagus dan menjanjikan perlu perjuangan,dari aksi jual HP buat bayar formulir...sampai jual motor sebelum di DO (drop out)/di usir. Semangat itulah yang hanya menjadi teman perjalanan ini......

Alhamdulillah sekarang dah sampai tesis mesti tidak tau kapan bisa ujian pendadaran.lagi - lagi masalah pembayaran.... ra peduli sing penting selesai tesis nya, terserah kamu mau bilang apa..atau mencibir.....
